◤ 以色列女兵Bikini照网上疯传❤ ◢ 个个样靓身材正,完全是世界小姐的等级!网民:那里的男兵好幸福啊~!



而在Instagram的一个帐號「超辣以色列女大兵(The Hot Israeli Army Girls)」,就贴出各个女生在军旅生活之外,也有美丽自信的一面。她们除了穿著军装、配枪,也会到海滩穿著清凉比基尼,展示好身材。据悉该帐號已有超过34500位追隨者,收录超过2000位女大兵美姿。

The Hot Israeli Army Girls page dedicated to beuatiful female soldiers already has more than 34,500 followers

The Instagram fan page features pictures of more than 2,000 different stunning soldiers

Pictures of the women posing in their military uniform are juxtaposed with their bikini pictures

All Jewish Israeli citizens are required to complete national service at the age of 18, and some of the women will end up in frontline roles

Although the women have familiarise themselves with heavy weaponry and gruelling training, they are not afraid to show off their fun, playful side

Israeli girls must serve at least two years in the armed forces, but these women are showing that it doesn't stop them having fun

Many of the sexy snaps shared online by the women themselves shoe them sunning themselves in bikinis or posing in their underwear

The women pictured on the account are mostly in their late teens and early twenties

The Instagram account encourages followers to send in pictures of beautiful female troops

Compulsory national service explains why so many young and beautiful women have chosen a military career

The girls spend their days in the army at the same age their British counterparts may be studying at university

Many of the women have shared holiday snaps, as they take a break from their intensive and gruelling military career

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