『凭什么取代冯伟衷❓』新加坡艺人爆露骨讯息后, 又流出私下呛王冠逸「靠运气、靠脸、靠关系」私讯❗



黄思恬是该剧的女主角,她在私讯中说:“他凭什么,他跟Aloysius(冯伟衷)怎么比”,还说:“既然在中国那么红,何必回来。” 方伟杰则回应:“让他知道我们不靠关系不靠脸不靠幸运。”,貌似在影射王冠逸走红并非靠实力。



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an excerpt from my latest cover story interview with @8dayssg: . “I’m proud of my whole journey as an actor. To put it bluntly, I started off at the lowest level. I had no backing from a rich company. The TV station didn’t want to sign me. I didn’t come from a competition and was immediately given substantial roles. I really started from the lowest point. Back then I could barely survive and I had to do hosting gigs which I’m not good at. I hated hosting but I had to do it to survive. I stumbled here and there and I honed my craft slowly bit by bit. I made a lot of sacrifices. I ate a lot of shit to slowly become who I am today. So I don’t think it’s just about going to China. I think my whole process, if I dare say, is a good lesson for everyone. No one wanted me. I was really at the bottom.” . during the interview, i didn’t realize i gave the perfect answer to all the naysayers who think that my achievements are due to “good looks”, “connections” or just simply “luck”.

A post shared by Lawrence Wong 王冠逸 (@ohohlawrence) on

他写道:“我当初在回答记者时,并不知道我也给了那些诋毁我,说我的成就是靠‘样貌’、‘人脉’和‘幸运’的人,一个最佳回应。” 他为自己一路走来的演员道路感到自豪,因为他是从最低处起步,没有具财力的公司撑腰,电视台不愿和他签约,“没人要我,我真的是在最低谷”。







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