Categories: 新闻

叫了GrabFood超久都等不到她来!直到他看到外送员「坐着轮椅」过来时, 网民全哭了!



事情是这样的,有一天,原Po使用新加坡GrabFood外卖服务Order了一杯奶茶给老婆。他说,外送员需要去Tampines的分行领取奶茶,然后再送往原Po的住处(Bedok Reservoir),乘搭轿车需时10-12分钟,脚踏车则需15-20分钟,电动滑板车大概也要12-15分钟。

30分钟过去,他开始感到不耐烦,并好奇到底他点的那杯奶茶去了哪里。他时刻使用GrabFood app观察外送员的动态,发现外送员的移动速度比想象中的慢。当时他就在想,这个外送员是不是没有使用任何交通,反而是徒步而来?











When you think that your problem is the hardest in the world.

When you think the air-con in your office is not as cold as you would like it to be.

When you think your work PC or laptop is taking longer than it should.

When you think walking to that nearby shop under the scorching hot sun is too much of an effort.

Made an order for I-Tea bubbletea for my wife via @grabfoodsg . The outlet for the rider to collect is in Tampines to be sent to my residence at Bedok Reservoir.

By car that would take about 10-12 minutes, bicycle 15-20 minutes, escooter probably 12-15 mins.

30 mins went by and I started to get impatient wondering where the bubble tea I ordered. As I watched the movement of the rider via the grab food app, it does seem to move much slower than I would have imagined. At times wondering is this rider walking over instead of via some other mode of transportation.

Finally, as the riders icon on the gps passed by my unit, I realised that he/she has missed the carpark entrance and got me even more agitated. I looked out my window, scanning my eyes from right to left when suddenly I saw something that left me in awe.

A GrabFood rider on a motorised wheelchair making its way slowly along the pavement right in front of our block.😪

I somehow had the hunch that she was making the delivery for what I have ordered and rushed down looking for her.

I went up to her as she reached my lift lobby and my heart really sank. I created a small chat with her asking did she really travel down here from Tampines. She nodded and said yes.

I felt for her. I was a little emotional but tried to remain calm as Sharlien was next to me. As she passed me the drink, having made payment via GrabPay, I quickly reached out for my wallet and pass her whatever cash I have in it. I was a little shocked, to be honest. I was lost for words.

This presented a teachable moment for me to share with Sharlein during the ride to school today.

Masya-Allah.The perseverance she showed to overcome the challenges being put on her. May Allah provide her with the strength, hope and rezeki and continue being the inspiration to other able-bodied people like you and me.

Thank You Sumaiyah

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