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林冠英国会上“睡着”被轰!儿子Po文力挺, 揭露背后原因超心酸!网民: 错怪他了…


他写道「财政部长是不小心睡着了 (tertidur),还是直接倒头就睡(terus tidur)???」

图截自: Twitter

照片一出,引起许多网民关注,此事也遭反对党频频攻击, 如今林冠英儿子忍不住发言力挺老爸, 道父亲在准备为希望联盟政府提呈首个财政预算案期间, 一周7天睡不足3小时,还感谢反对党拍下此照片, 让大家知道父亲是多么努力工作。

图截自: Facebook



This picture shows a thousand words.
Ever since my dad is elected as the Finance Minister of Malaysia, he has been working extremely hard to figure how to settle the enormous debts our country is in. His wish is for our country to be backed on track soonest possible. To some, they may think that the position as FM is glamourous, but to me I think it is a non-stopped stress job for him.
For the past 6 months, I have seen him working non-stop from 8am till 11pm, 7 days a week. I don’t really know if he has a straight 8 hours sleep since May this year. Sometimes he even skips lunch or dinner to attend meetings, or just to finish his pile of works in the office. During the recent pre-budget period, at times he only had less than 3 hours of sleep for the whole week. He worked with his team till late night and had to overnight in the office to prepare his first budget. He wants to ensure that everybody will have benefited even though they have only limited fund.
Once, I followed his daily schedule and was totally worn out at the end of the day. Many people would ask me why my dad despite his hecticness managed to look fresh all the time. I still could not figure out how but believe his passion for the people and country that keeps him motivated always. Despite my mum’s advice for him to slow down, he will still work as hard because he thinks the sooner the welfare of the people and country improved, the country will be backed on track soon. Some nights, my dad will come back home late almost midnight and tell me he is exhausted just by looking at numbers from work.
Looking at this picture,many may give criticism on it, but for me, I am very proud of my dad. To me, he will always be a hero in my heart.
Here, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the opposition for posting this picture to enable everyone to know that my dad is working extremely hard for the country.









图翻摄自: Facebook



图截自: Twitter



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