◤泰国Krabi『4天3夜』只要RM900❤◢ 而且还包机票+住宿+其它花费!! 快jio闺蜜来一场说走就走的『海岛之旅』吧~

要和闺蜜来一趟说走就走的旅行其实不难,只要带上钱和闺蜜就行啦! 和认识10年的闺蜜第一次出国,在漂亮的海岛上,享受结伴旅行的乐趣,浪漫又窝心!


1.15pm KL起飞

3.00pm Check in酒店

4.00pm Aonang Beach逛街

7.00pm 晚餐 – Jungle kitchen (住家泰式料理,超级推荐!食物真的好吃又便宜,必吃pad thai,外面吃不到的味道!)

8.30pm 购物7-11 First day花费 >>> 晚餐 1人173bath (~RM20)


7.00am 早餐

8.00am Phi Phi Island (配套包括一个buffet lunch, 矿泉水, 还有浮潜。比起4 island, 觉得phi phi island更值得去,风景比较美,海水更清澈)

5.00pm 回酒店休息

7.00pm 晚餐 – Ton Ma Yon Thai food (住家泰式料理,建议提早打电话预定,不然会让你白跑一趟,服务很亲切,食物不错,价廉物美,值得一试,推荐黄梨炒饭!)

8.30pm 酒店附近的路边摊 + Family Mart

10.00pm 回酒店休息 花费 >>> 晚餐250bath,大约RM30


7.00am 早餐

8.00am 4 Island Tour (配套包括 lunch, 矿泉水, 还有浮潜。)

3.00pm 回酒店休息

5.30pm 夕阳下的晚餐– Lae Lay Grill (这家餐厅位于小山坡上,可以边享用晚餐,边欣赏夕阳。价钱比Hiltop便宜,而且提早预订,他们餐厅还会安排交通接送你往返他们家餐厅,觉得好棒棒。)

7.00pm Aonang beach逛街

9.30pm Masaage

11.00pm 回酒店休息 花费 >>> 晚餐1人516bath, 大约RM62 ;按摩250bath, 大约RM30


10.00am 早餐

12.00pm Check Out酒店

12.30pm 午餐 @ Aonang beach

2.30pm 到机场 花费 >>> 午餐1人275bath, 大约RM33 总花费 >>> RM903


网站订购,来回 RM220++


Ibis Style Hotel (@Aonang) 3晚,2人一房,1人RM212++ (酒店包括早餐,房间风景很漂亮,还有每个小时免费交通接送去Aonang beach大街。从酒店步行去大街也行。)


机场 > 酒店,酒店 > 机场,1人266bath,大约RM32 (一出机场就会看见几个商家在招生意,建议各位货比三家,因为价格真的相差几百泰铢)


300bath,3个人share,1人大约RM12 (我们购买只有data的,因为可以打电话的卡要多200bath,觉得不划算)

【Island Tour】

Phi Phi island,大约RM252

Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, mountain, outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: cloud, ocean, sky, mountain, outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, cloud, outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: outdoor and nature

Image may contain: outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: ocean, sky, mountain, outdoor, nature and water

Image may contain: 1 person, food

Image may contain: food

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