Categories: 时尚


當有人跟你說 』小姐,你車尾有問題…』千萬不要停下來!!大馬少女獨自開車慘遭摩托男虐打性侵!!摩托男還把手伸向…


如果是一人驾车在路上请多加小心. 不管发生什么事千万别下车. 如果发生事又受伤的话, 直接去医院就医. 因为今早7点15至7点45左右, 本人在Permatang Pauh 路边被一个驾摩托的马来男士打伤右眼角.

当我驾着车从Seberang Jaya highway 进Permatang Pauh向Mak Mandin方向行驶时, 此马来人驾着摩托在副座边指示我车尾有问题. 看他以超过我驾走, 我不疑心就打double signals停靠路边下车检查可没看见什么问题. 这时发现他驾回来并下摩托亲自过来指我车尾轮胎说有钉还拉我手去摸. 还跟我说这样很危险, 要我驾车小心要去检查. 可是我什么也摸没有也没看见什么问题就不想多留, 也就告知他我要去出席葬礼并礼貌的道谢后打算上车离开. 此时他说因为路边车多上副座会比较安全, 我没疑心就开门坐上车.

就在这时他突然说给我摸你下并伸手抚摸我大腿, 我立刻推开他的手结果他挥拳打我. 当下我立马关门爬过驾车座上锁并start engine, 而他上摩托对着我做手枪的手式. 我当时害怕的直接捂住右眼开车走并打电话联系亲人. 一路上除了traffic light不敢停车直到抵达葬礼地点, 看到熟人接到亲人的电话才放下心.

伤口一直流血, 去了很多Clinic找医生止血可是raja uda一带的Clinic 都没开. 好不容易找到一家, 告知情况后结果对方却跟我说你去别家吧. 因为你这是刑事案, 以后要报告要作证很麻烦. 作为一家开门营业的诊所, 看见病人满身血却这样告知对方连基本止血治疗都不愿意. 请问为什么要营业?

今天是我小叔下葬的日子我却遇上了这样的事, 出席不了葬礼而在医院排队等待照X-ray等待治疗缝针. 回想一早到现在的经历, 觉得自己应该分享自己的经历以警惕所有时常一个人驾车的女士与附近一带的居民. 同时希望任何在今早这段时间有经过此地并看见事发经过或是认得那辆摩托的人士, 请您联系Ibu Pejabat Daerah Bandar Perda, Bukit Mertajam.




Dear Ladies,
When you are driving ALONE on the road, please be careful! No matter what happens, never STOP and get out of the car. Should you sustain any form of injury in the most unfortunate of event, please go straight to the hospital immediately to seek medical attention instead of clinics.

An incident happened to me this morning, between 7.15-7.45am. I was assaulted by a Malay motorist and had an injury above my right eyebrow when I was on my way to attend my uncle’s funeral service.

I was driving from Seberang Jaya highway and turning into Permatang Pauh, towards Mak Mandin’s direction. While I was driving, a man riding on a motorcycle approached my car from the passenger’s side and started pointing to my rear tyre and rode off after that. At that time, I did not suspect of anything fishy so I put on the hazard light and stopped my car by the roadside to inspect. Unknowingly, the motorist came back after he spotted me stopping my car from afar and pretended to be a Good Samaritan. He claimed that there was a nail in my rear tyre and pulled my hand to touch the tyre. He also commented that it was dangerous to drive the car in that condition and advised me to drive carefully and send my car for inspection. However, I did not spot any problem with the tyre but I politely thanked him anyway and told him that I have to leave for the funeral service. At that moment, he advised me again that it is safer to get in the car from the front passenger side away from the traffic. As I got myself seated on the passenger side, he suddenly asked if he could touch me and reached out to caress my thigh. Instinctively, I immediately pushed him away and he retaliated with a punch to my face. I quickly shut the front passenger side door, climbed over to the driver’s seat, locked the door, and started the engine. I was scared because the motorist turned to make a hand pistol sign before riding off. I covered my right eye and contacted my parents while I drove off to the funeral site for help.

The wound I got from the punch was still bleeding, so I went around Raja Uda area to seek for medical attention but many clinics were still closed during that hour. Eventually, I found a clinic that was open so I went in and informed the clinic staff of my situation. However, she turned me away and asked me to go to another clinic because it was a criminal case, and it would be troublesome for them to prepare medical reports and certification, etc. In my opinion, how can a clinic turn away a patient, whom is bleeding, without any due treatment?

It was sad to say that today was my uncle’s funeral service and that my encounter with this incident prevented me from attending the occasion. I am currently waiting in line to see a doctor, for an X-ray, and also for suturing of my wound. I feel that I should share my experience on this morning’s incident to alert the ladies who are used to driving alone as well as the residents living within the vicinity of the area. In the meantime, I urge any passer-by who witnessed this incident and may have recognized the motorist to contact Ibu Pejabat Daerah Bandar Perda, Bukit Mertajam.

Thank you.




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