


对于失智症患者的问题,英国男子Hornby也因为本身的奶奶是一名失智症患者的缘由,想出了一个方法,通过发明可爱的含水果冻(Jelly Drops),以可爱的外形吸引失智症患者的注意,进而对它爱不释手,把它当零嘴来吃加以补充水分。


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Dehydration is a big issue for people with dementia. There are a number of reasons for this: forgetting to drink or forgetting where to find water, no longer liking the taste or feel of water in the mouth, forgetting how to swallow or even that water is essential for life. Some dementia patients suffer from a swallowing difficulty that means they have a hard time swallowing thin liquids and require thickening agents to help them get the hydration they need. A young man named Lewis Hornby noticed that his grandmother, who has dementia, was not getting enough to drink and decided to invent something that would make it easier for her to get the fluids she needed. What did he come up with?! Jelly Drops! They are brightly colored bite-sized balls of liquid that are easier to swallow than water but just as hydrating. The drops are made of 90 percent water with gelling agents and electrolytes to aid in hydration. Brilliant right!? We love this invention! You can find our more about it on the James Dyson Award website. Way to go, Lewis! #riseiq #jellydrops @jamesdysonfoundation

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据了解,Hornby的奶奶是一名失智症老人,和许多患者相同,都曾因脱水送医治疗。 Hornby在医院待了一段时间,仔细观察各组人员的互动、和不同家属交谈,他在和医生的讨论下有了含水果冻的构想。





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