超香甜!【香蕉蛋糕食谱】❤ 简单又美味, 一口接一口停不下来(ノ≧∀≦)ノ


1) 香蕉 250g
2) 苏打粉 1茶匙
3) 自发粉 130g
4) 盐 1/4茶匙
5) 糖 75g
6) 鸡蛋 3粒
7) 玉米油 40ml

1) 香蕉先捣烂加入苏打粉防置一旁
2) 鸡蛋加糖打至糖溶解加入自发粉和盐搅拌均匀
3) 加入香蕉泥, 再搅拌均匀
4) 最后加入油, 预热烤箱180度, 烤35-40 分钟
5) 用竹签插入, 没有粘物就可以了

Banana Cake

1) Bananas 250g
2) 1 teaspoon baking soda
3) 130g self-raising flour
4) 1/4 teaspoon salt
5) Sugar 75g
6) 3 eggs
7) Corn oil 40ml

How to cook
1) Mash bananas and add the baking soda stir well and set aside

2) beat eggs with sugar until sugar is dissolved add self-raising flour and salt and mix well
3) Add banana, then stir well

4) Add the corn oil, stir well, preheat oven to 180 degrees and bake 35-40 minutes

5) insert with a bamboo stick, not any sticky substance on it means is done.

食谱来自:Jenny Cooking

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