网络疯传【 “格斗选手” VS Guard 大对决 】上公寓被阻, 竟和保安公然打起来!! 最后还… (内有视频)

网络疯传!“格斗选手”VS Guard 大对决!!最终还是不敌众保安,被制伏啦~ 有关影片被上载至脸书,引起网友疯传和讨论。


USJ ONE condo 直播。 一名MMA fighter企图硬闯Condo却被保安人员制服了!

Ps.这名“格斗选手” 是要找他的朋友收债,但是他的朋友不要下来见他。于是“格斗选手”想尽办法要求保安人员让他进入Condo,但是被拒绝了。“格斗选手” 恼羞成怒并与身形娇小的保安员吵架。他脱掉外套与对方打架。他在这个视频前已经打了保安一拳,然后他也没为此道歉。(留言中他说他已经道歉,这是不是事实)他们继续互踢,最后被多名保安人员制服。

然后,大家看到的就是视频所显示的。保安人员把他捆绑起来。“格斗选手” 坐在地上还咒骂和威胁guards多达15分钟。他还告诉警方:“自己非常活跃于武术和泰拳,但他却选择没有进一步攻击保安”


Live from USJ ONE condo. MMA fighter took on the guard that not allowed him to go up the condo.

P.S. This guy came over the condo wanted to look for his friend to collect his debt. But the so called friend dont want to meet him or didnt come down to meet him. He asked the guards to let him go up the condo. The guards refused to let him go up. He got frustrated and argued with the small size guard. Then he took out his sweater and eager to fight the guard. He threw the first punched before any video was taken. He did not say sorry whatsoever after he threw the punched.( he claimed he said sorry which is not logic). They both kicking each other in between the incidents before he brought down by multiple guards.

After that, you can see most of the incidents in the video. The guards tied him up. He sat on the floor and cursed and threatened the guards for more than 15 mins. Boasting all his MMA and fighting abilities. He even told the police “that he is very active in the martial arts or muay thai(couple of years for this n that). But he chose not to fight the guards further.”

The CCTV recorded everything according to the management. This is a clear cut incident without framing anyone or fake captions to get attentions.


Part 1

Part 2

来源:discover subang jaya

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